Experience transformation with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

‘The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’ can be considered as the best-selling self-help book that people have used over and over again for two millennia. This is not just one more book you can read to quickly fix the symptoms of the problems that lead to your long-term problems. Quick fixes will never be enough if you want to find inner peace. You must be ready to feel the power of transformation from the inside out with spiritual practice, commonly called ‘sadhana’ by yogis.

Patanjali introduces readers to ‘chittavrittinirodha’ which translates as ‘stopping the turbulent fluctuations of our mind’. If you can control your thoughts, you can eliminate negative thoughts and focus all your energy on positive thoughts and actions. The sutras state that if you are able to eliminate the “noise” generated by your mind, you can hear the voice of your true self, “Purusha”.

The mind is generally uncontrollable with around sixty thousand thoughts occurring in a single day. If you find it impossible to control your thoughts and turbulence, you will end up facing a chaotic situation in your daily life. Taming your mind is a very difficult feat and cannot be attempted by someone looking for a temporary solution. However, Patanjali ensures that through the regular practice of ‘sadhana’, you can control your mind and unlock the true voice of your soul that will guide you on the path of enlightenment.

Sadhana leads you to practice the eight branches of yoga such as yama (restriction), niyama (observances), asana (physical postures), pranayama (regulation of breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana ( contemplation) and samadhi (meditative absorption). You don’t have to seek peace of mind elsewhere because true peace is in your soul. When you connect and unite with yourself, you will be able to control your mind and begin the transformation process. By identifying with your ‘Purusha’, you will be able to identify the ultimate source ‘Ishwara’.

Practicing ‘sadhana’ will be difficult when you start. However, with regular practice, you will enjoy the process of controlling your mind. Sutra theory can be well understood and discussed if you have a support system of yogis with passion and commitment similar to yours. While you can practice ‘Sadhana’ in solitude, you can achieve much better results when you perform ‘Sadhana’ with other yogis who are on the path of self-transformation.

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