Know and use your resting metabolic rate

In many ways, you could say that gaining or losing weight is actually a simple matter of math. The numbers or variables in this equation are the number of calories you eat or consume and the number of calories you burn each day.

So, taking this simple math example, if one of the variables in the equation is greater than the other, then it’s pretty predictable (over a longer period of time) what the effect is on your body. If you eat or consume more calories than you burn each day, you should gain weight over time. If you burn more calories than you eat or consume each day, you should lose weight over time.

No matter what you do during the day, you are burning calories. Different activities burn different amounts of calories and also at different rates. So what is your average rate of burning calories naturally? That’s where your resting metabolic rate, also known as RMR, comes into play.

Here’s how to calculate your RMR:

CMA = [Lean Body Mass in lbs] / 2.205 X 30.4

First find out what your lean body mass is (in other words, check your body fat percentage and calculate your lean body mass), divide that by 2.205, and then multiply by 30.4. That will give you a good idea of ​​what your RMR is.

So how do you use this information? Well if you are trying to lose weight then you need to eat less than your RMR. If you are trying to gain weight, then you should be consuming more calories than your RMR.

One thing to keep in mind with this is that the RMR doesn’t necessarily take into account the extra calories burned from exercising. The concept is primarily based on the fact that if you have more lean body mass (more muscle), your body will work more efficiently and naturally burn more calories rather than a body that has less muscle. The RMR should only be used as a guide to help you make some plans for your fitness goals for life.

Here’s one way to use this information: Let’s say, for example, you find your RMR is 2000, but you also do weight lifting or cardio every day that burns an average of 500 extra calories due to the extra work you put in. So in this case, your basic level of calories that you need to consume just to maintain your weight over time is around 2,500 calories. Using this type of information can really help you plan your nutritional goals.

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