The best home remedy for age spots

The best home remedy for age spots

Although we live in a time of mind-blowing scientific advances, people continue to draw on the wisdom of previous generations. The demand for holistic medicine and natural skin care is on the rise and shows no signs of slowing down. Consumers continue to search for an effective home remedy for age spots, lines, wrinkles, and dull, sagging skin. But is a home remedy the answer?

The truth is that you can Get great results using ancient skin care methods. Our great-grandmothers were not stupid. They knew that natural substances like dried lavender, cornmeal, rose petals, powdered eggshells, honey, etc., were very effective in cleaning, softening, and protecting their skin.

An ancient remedy for age spots that is still used today is lemon juice. If applied directly to dark spots, lemon juice has the ability to lighten these unsightly clumps of skin pigment.

The only problem with lemon juice is that it is temporary. You have to keep applying the juice so that the dark spots do not come back. While this is a natural approach to treating age spots, it is, however, only topical and cosmetic. Lemon juice cannot interact with skin cells to prevent age spots from forming in the first place.

Now, you can find effective skin whitening products, but recently the ingredient used to specifically lighten age spots has come into question. Several studies have linked this ingredient, hydroquinone, with an increased risk of cancer. While it is still available in the US, other countries have banned its use.

Scientists working on safe, natural solutions for aging skin have discovered an ancient home remedy for age spots that has shown initial results in clinical trials.

Extrapone nutgrass root is the natural substance that, despite its funny name, is proving to be one of the safest and most effective alternatives to hydroquinone. The whitening properties of nutgrass root have been known to Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine practices for centuries. Recently, modern experts have “rediscovered” the power of this plant grown in India.

The laboratories of a small skin care company in New Zealand are using nutgrass root and a host of other rigorously tested natural substances in special delivery systems designed to stimulate and support the skin’s natural healing abilities.

Through their studies they have learned that these substances possess remarkable molecular compatibility with human skin that allows them to penetrate deep through the skin and into cells to release powerful nutrients.

With consistent use, over time, significant improvements in skin firmness, natural moisture, smoothness, softness, radiance and even tone are achieved. This external improvement is the visible evidence of improvement at the cellular level.

If you have been looking for a home remedy for age spots and other signs of aging, I encourage you to research the latest scientific advances in natural skin care. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I know I was.

In fact, I have created a website that offers more details about this natural approach to anti-aging skin care that is creating a revolution in the way we think about the health and appearance of our skin. If you would like to benefit, as I have, from a safe and natural approach to improving your skin, please visit my site.

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