If you are unsuccessful, please reaffirm and reaffirm

Politicians repeat themselves a lot, have you noticed?

It’s not (just) because they like the sound of their own voices. A powerful principle of influence is at stake here.

It is the same principle behind marketing. Everyone thinks they are immune to marketing, as if companies invested billions in it for the fun of it. But it works. Even when you ignore it, it works.

The principle that politicians and marketers use so well is this:

We humans like familiarity. The more familiar something is, the more likely we are to like and accept it.

The most familiar ideas are ours. That’s why we like people to agree with us. You may not know what you are talking about, but your own ideas still seduce and win you over.

This is why politicians talk badly: When you start to recognize and remember their voices and ideas, you start to believe in them a little more. Not much else, this isn’t mind control or anything, but sometimes it’s enough.

The same goes for ads. Businesses would rather you sit back and fully absorb their ads … but hey, just noticing the brand, even for a millisecond, makes it more familiar to you.

This does not have to be a problem. If you remember to think carefully about your important decisions, like big purchases and who to vote for, this won’t get in your way.

But while it is interesting to know how to defend yourself against these things …

… it is even more interesting to learn how to use them to enrich your life.

And most likely you already are.

This is one of the key components of the affirmation engine.

Saying an affirmation once won’t do much for you. It may get you excited and energized, which is a good start, but the real results will come later.

Two, three times, not so much.

It’s only once you’ve repeated it so many times that it becomes embedded deep in your mind that you begin to see results.

Your unconscious mind recognizes it as a familiar idea.

And, with your desire driving it, it stops being a prayer and becomes an instruction.

But before writing an app to display your affirmations on your phone every five seconds, repetition can work against you too.

Repeating the words every day is one thing.

But it’s the repetition of emotions that really gets things moving.

Feeling hope, determination, and enthusiasm for your dreams, every day, will change your life more than anything else.

So repeat your affirmations, early and often. Just make sure you keep the excitement alive.

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