What is the first thing to have when cooking Thai food?

Today is a first lesson. Oh! I don’t want to call it a lesson because it sounds too formal. It is our first talk about Thai cuisine. My friends always ask me if they want to cook Thai food, what is the first thing they should eat? That is my topic for today. When you see my previous question. What is your answer? You could think of something like culinary skills, inspiration, creative idea, or any other big word. No! It is not what I mean. Actually, I just want to ask you what you should have (in the kitchen) when cooking Thai food. Basically, there are 5 things you must have in your kitchen when cooking Thai food. These are:

1. Fish sauce

2. Light soy sauce

3. Dark soy sauce

4. Oyster sauce

5. Garlic

That’s it. I think 90% of Thai food will use 2-3 of those foods when cooking. So now you know what you must have in your kitchen if you want to cook Thai food. Do not waste your time. Go and buy it now. You can buy those 5 products in any nearby supermarket. The total price must not exceed $ 10.00 and you can use it for one year.

Okay, that’s it for today. Next time we will start cooking Thai food. Do not worry. As I already told you, my blog will teach you how to cook Thai food with ease step by step. You can surely cook it like a pro. I assure!

Until next time.

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