How to get your customers to promote your products

How to get your customers to promote your products

You want the world to know about your products and services. After all, you provide something unique and useful to your audience and your customers are probably friends with people like them who may also need your product.

Getting them to tell their friends, family, and others that they made this purchase almost guarantees that at least one of their friends will buy something.

encourage them

There are many ways to incentivize your customers. You can give them a prize. Call them and thank them in public. Promote them publicly if they are also in business. When you reciprocate someone’s good deeds, you will encourage them to do it more often. Something as simple as thanking them, giving them points to add to a discount, or giving them a prize can work very well.

Add social sharing icons

By adding social sharing icons wherever you can, only your audience seeing them will remind them to do so. But of course always ask them to share too.

Start a Formal Affiliate Plan

An affiliate plan is a system whereby if a person recommends your product to someone else with a special clickable link and that person buys, the person who recommended the product gets a percentage of the sales.

Create amazing products

One very simple thing you can do to get more people talking is to create products that your customers think are amazing. When you do that, they get excited and automatically talk about it. You really need to surprise them for this to work. Think about how people will go on social media and complain, but rarely will and say positive things about a product unless it surprises them.

Be active on social media

Stay top of mind with your customers by being more active. When you are more active, you give them more content to share. Go live, share memes, talk about your day. Be yourself and be a real human being while interacting with others. Commitment is key.

Go to and organize live events

This is about being active. If your audience is there, stay there. The more they can get to know you, the better. When your customers can see that you’re regularly active and attending live webinars and other events, they’re more likely to do so too, as well as tell their friends and family about you.

Donate to your favorite charity

You can also survey your customers to find out which is their favorite charity among a few that you like. Depending on the feedback, you may need to change completely, but the goal is to pick a charity that most of your fans like and run a promotion asking them to share it.

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