How To Build A Huge Chest Using Daniel Craig James Bond 007 Workout

How To Build A Huge Chest Using Daniel Craig James Bond 007 Workout

If you are looking for a new and effective way to get a huge chest like Daniel Craig had in the James Bond movie – Casino Royale and in his latest one – Quantum of Solace, read this article and find out the 3 most chest building exercises effective ones you can do at home, in your office, or even on a spy mission. Here are the 3 most effective massive chest building exercises using the Daniel Craig James Bond 007 workout:

1. Push-ups between three chairs. This is a simple bodyweight exercise that you can do anywhere. This movement targets the triceps (the muscles on the back of the arms), the chest, and the front deltoid muscle (shoulder muscle). Place two chairs, shoulder-width apart, in front of you. Give yourself enough space to dive between them. Put one hand on each chair and both feet on the third chair. Do as many push-ups as you can, dipping as low between the chairs as you can. Do as many as you can, then rest for about 1-2 minutes, then start again. You do three sets of as many reps as you can. This is a great exercise and you will feel its effects, in terms of pain, the next day.

2. Incline push-ups between two chairs. This is similar to the previous exercise. But instead of raising your feet, leave them on the ground. Again perform as many reps as possible, then rest for 1-2 minutes and perform a total of three sets of this exercise. This exercise targets the muscle in your upper chest which gives you that square look and a truly manly chest.

3. Single chair decline pushups. This time you will raise your feet and place your hands on the ground. Perform as many push-ups as possible the same as before. Rest 1 to 2 minutes between exercises. Do three sets of this exercise as well. This movement targets the muscles of the lower chest.

For the best muscle-building results, these exercises should be performed in a superset fashion. Super sets are a very effective way to combine exercises into a fast-paced workout.

This is how you do it.

1. Do exercise number one: push yourself up between three chairs for as many reps as you can.

2. Then immediately go to exercise number two – incline push-ups between two chairs, perform as many repetitions as you can.

3. Then go to exercise number three – decline single chair push-ups – and again perform as many reps as you can. This is considered a circuit or a giant superset.

4. At the end of the circuit or superset rest for 2-3 minutes and then do another circuit or superset.

5. Do a total of three circuits for chest training that you won’t believe.

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