La longueur de la crise sanitaire peut enrayer le bien-être des couples: "l’intimité et la sexualité deviennent secondaires"

The length of the health crisis can halt the well-being of couples: “intimacy and sexuality become secondary”

If the confinement has undermined the couple’s parenthood, the length of the crisis could well hamper their marital and intimate well-being.

Today, as the Covid-19 crisis is once again ubiquitous and political responses incomprehensible, the stress of individuals has gone from atacute during confinement: we saw a situation of the order of the short term, to chronic: we are in a situation of loss of control, in a need for continual adaptabilitye , explains Marie Géonet, doctor in psychology, HE Vinci research director and UCLouvain lecturer.

Which has and will have repercussions on couples. Today, we already know that containment played a role on these. The psychologist puts forward some figures, taken from a study initiated by UMons in which she participates. 12, 2% of couples were in marital distress during confinement, 27.7% had difficulty resolving conflicts and 4.4% exhibited aggressive behavior in the couple, these figures remaining lower than the usual figures. Finally, 8.2% had massive conflicts over the education of children. Let damore than the usual numbers . “ Societal stupor, individual anxiety, parenthood on the verge of nervous breakdown, sharing of domestic tasks and unbalanced “care” to the detriment of women: the situation was already tense … And conjugality could falter even more given the length of the crisis.

“Because to face together in front of a stress, it requires to adjust well to each other”, emphasizes the psychologist.

What is facing together? (…)

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