Trash diving for more money

Trash diving for more money

Dumpster diving is a term to describe searching for ‘treasures’ in garbage cans. While it may sound bad to some of you, it is actually very exciting and can make a lot of money.

People throw away tons of items that still have value. Many times people don’t even know that the items still have value. I have personally found dvds, toys, household items, furniture and money. It really is fun and can be like a scavenger hunt in the trash. It is very easy for you to get started in dumpster diving and you can sell the things you find to earn more money. Put your pride aside for a while and focus on all the money you could make.

How to start –
You’ll need a pair of boots, a small flashlight, and gloves to get started. Start with your local neighborhood and do a quick search of the dumpsters to see if they might have anything good. If it looks like the dumpster might contain something good, just jump in and start digging through the trash. You may want a friend or family member to watch it while it’s in the dumpster. Always stay clean and safe.

What to do with what you find
You can sell your new items on Craigslist, eBay, or even at your local pawn shop. You’ll want to clean and disinfect anything you find and make it look like new. If you find things of value, it will not be difficult to sell them to someone and earn easy money. Personally, I sold stuff on Craigslist and made a quick buck.

Tips –
* Always have a flashlight and another person with you to watch your back. You don’t want someone sneaking up on you while you’re going through their trash.
* Clean and disinfect everything you find before selling. You don’t want to sell something that is dirty.
* Check dumpsters at apartment complexes and at the beginning and end of the month. When new tenants move in or out, they try to throw away a lot of valuables.
* Check the law in your local area to make sure container diving is not illegal in your area.

Dumpster diving is an easy way to make more money. It’s like a treasure hunt but you’re surrounded by garbage. You can easily find valuable items and sell them at no cost to you. Check your local laws and give it a try.

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