A Homecoming School by Lisa Dunlop

If you are a homeschooled teenager or parent of a homeschooled teenager, this book may be of interest to you. Or maybe … are you a teenager who has been to a public or private school, and now your parents are considering homeschooling you? And just think, what if it was your freshman year of high school no less? What if that meant leaving your old school friends? In this book, Lisa Dunlop writes a story about a girl named Elizabeth who finds herself in precisely this situation. Lisa herself was homeschooled for 9 years and is currently taking college correspondence courses. He lives with his mother, father, brother, and two cats in Tampa, FL.

As explained in the book, “Throughout Lisa’s years of homeschooling, she has watched the many changes new homeschooled teens go through, often from surly and suspicious teens to happy, talkative young adults. Her desire to help homeschoolers led her to write this book in the hope that it will encourage both parents and teens. “

This is an easy-to-read book of only 107 pages, which is interesting and really encourages any teenager who may be considering homeschooling in their future. In her book, Lisa has also given her address for anyone who would like to contact her with questions or to speak at her curriculum fair, seminars, or homeschooling meetings.

Homeschooling your teens can be one of the best things you can do for them. Someday they will thank you!

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