A Proven 5-Step Scheme for Creating Gangbuster Content

Reader Mark B asks:

“Do you have a structure that you always follow when you write? If so, would you mind sharing it?”

Yes, I actually have a “structure”, my young copywriter Padawan.

And this is the best part:

It’s so simple that you can start using the same structure today and start making sales.

Also, it has nothing to do with being an amazing writer or anything like that.

So let’s see how you can use the same structure that I use so that you can create great content designed to sell your products.

Quick note:

You can use the same structure for your emails, blog posts, or social media posts.

Well, I mean simplicity.

I always try to keep things as simple as possible. Both for me and for the clients I advise. So even though I have a structure, I always follow when I write, it is not very sexy and it is definitely not very “advanced”. But it works, and that’s all I focus on.

I will first show you the general structure and then explain it in a little more detail.

However, it is more of a rough outline than a real structure.

But this is the exact scheme I * always * start with before writing something:


1) History

2) Hook

3) CTA

4) Subject line

5) monkey


I told you, it’s not very sexy.

And it definitely won’t produce Facebook likes.

But it works.

So here is the gist:

First, think about the story you want to tell. It can be anything from a time you ran a half marathon with no practice … or something about a book you read … or it could be an episode of Friends … (by the way, all three examples are stories that I have used myself) … the point is, it doesn’t really matter. You just have to think of funny stories that happened to you and then write some words that help you remember what happened.

Second, think about how you can tie that particular story to whatever it is you’re selling. For example, a couple of weeks ago, I wrote an email about Jean-Claude Van Damme. I then related that story on how you don’t have to be * great * to write high converting emails. However, it must be world-class to help your clients transform their lives. Again, note that it is all about keeping things simple. I tell a story about JCVD ​​and relate its accomplishments to the product I sell.

Third, write whatever CTA you want to focus on. For example, book a strategy session, download something, buy your product, etc.

Fourth, brainstorm 1-3 ideas for subject lines so you can get started (once I’m done writing my email, I go back to the subject line and give it a final polish).

Fifth and final step: Now, you are ready to start writing your post.


Not particularly sexy, that’s for sure.

But this simple outline makes it * very * simple for you to write something that 1) People will love to read, and 2) No sounding spammy or salesy, even if you’re selling something.

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