Controversial rules in schools

Controversial rules in schools

These rules are not in any particular order and are not related to any particular country. The list is more meant to make people think about how absurd some of these rules are.

I wonder what these people were thinking when they came up with some of them, but I’m sure it seemed totally sensible to them when they did.

Anyway, these are some of the rules I have come across in schools that seem to inhibit teaching and learning more than help in my opinion.

Too strict uniform codes

Personally, I think school uniforms are a thing of the past, but I understand that some schools want their students to wear their uniforms.

However, some schools take things too far and punish their students for the slightest thing out of place with their uniform.

A student may want to learn as much as possible and have the potential to become the next einstein but they can be a bit messy when it comes to the way they dress.

Should they be punished and effectively prevented from learning for this? I do not think so.

no hugs rule

Again, I understand the reasoning behind this rule, as it tries to reduce the chance of things going too far between students, but it’s just ineffective.

If students want to do these kinds of activities and take things further, they will find a way. Preventing them from hugging won’t prevent this.

I believe that a simple hug is a natural way for people to express themselves and is part of a child’s learning experience.

No phone in the halls

I can fully understand and agree that phones must be turned off inside the classroom, but why extend this rule to the hallways?

To me this doesn’t make sense. Of course, if students are yelling into their phones in the hallway, then they need to tone it down a bit, but I don’t think banning phones in the hallways altogether is the answer.

ID cards

I haven’t experienced this personally, but some schools require their students to have an ID card and wear it around your neck.

In my opinion, this seems completely overkill and is simply not necessary.

I can understand that some schools require their students to have IDs, but why force them to wear them around their necks?

No Lunches for Friends Rule

This rule made me laugh. Again, I haven’t seen this first hand, but I have read about it. Apparently some schools will only allow parents to bring a lunch box for their own child. If you want to give a friend’s child a lunch box, then it’s against the rules.

I’m sorry but this is absurd. I’m sure there is some silly health and safety rule behind this, but there comes a point where parents and students can’t do anything without breaking some sort of rule.

In my opinion, schools need to start relaxing a bit and let your students learn.

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