Corona crisis hits women particularly hard in the Landeck district |  Tyrolean daily newspaper online

Corona crisis hits women particularly hard in the Landeck district | Tyrolean daily newspaper online

Die Zahl der Frauen in Tourismusberufen ist hoch – heuer sind sie stark von Arbeitslosigkeit betroffen.


By Matthias Reichle

Landeck – In February 2020 142 women were registered as unemployed, in February 2021 there were 2,247 – the AMS statistics in the Landeck district recorded an unbelievable increase of 1,582 percent. Women are much more severely affected by the corona crisis than men. In January their unemployment rate was 23.7 percent.

“A lot of women are employed in tourism and in tourism-related industries. This year, that is falling on our heads in the district, ”explains AMS boss Günther Stürz. In other areas such as construction and related trades, however, things are still looking comparatively good. Double and triple workload, part-time work, home schooling – “Women are currently having a hard time,” explains AMS equal treatment officer Theresia Schönherr. “You are mentally and emotionally very tense and tired.”

The proportion of those who have slipped into emergency aid is now extremely high. There are a total of 795 in the Landeck district. 36.96 percent of unemployed women have now lost their entitlement to unemployment benefits. This is likely to be particularly bad in autumn, because even if tourism starts again, the short summer season will not be enough for many to be entitled to “normal” unemployment benefits again. Another problem is that 35.01 percent of women registered with the AMS only have a compulsory school certificate – or not even that. For men it is 24.99 percent. With programs like “FiT (Women in Crafts and Work)” one tries to counteract this. In terms of the labor market situation, the Landeck district slipped from the best year (2019) in its history with an unemployment rate of 7.1 percent to its worst (2020) with 13.3 percent. According to Stürz, he had not previously believed that a winter would one day be a total failure.

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