Custody hours for all weekends

The custodial schedule each weekend is one of the best examples of how to adjust a schedule to suit your needs. This schedule can be changed to accommodate your 50/50, 60/40 and 70/30 visiting hours. We will learn how weekend custody schedules work and their pros and cons.

The schedule for each weekend is very simple. One parent has the child during the week and the other parent has the child on the weekend.

With 50/50 physical custody, the schedule is called every weekend without school hours. The time a child spends with a third party (school, daycare, etc.) is removed from each parent’s percentage of time. When this time is removed, you and the other parent share the same time with your child. The weekend parent has the child from Friday afternoon to Monday morning.

The schedule of each weekend with physical custody 60/40 is the same as the previous one, but the time with a third party is not eliminated. It is also known as schedule 4-3 because the child spends four nights with one parent and three with the other. Nevertheless; In the schedule of all weekends, the four days are during the week and the three days are during the weekend. The weekend parent has the child on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, while the child returns home or to school on Monday morning.

The 70/30 schedule every weekend is the same concept as the other two, but the weekend has been adjusted so that the parent only has two weekend nights.

Cons of each weekend’s schedule

The biggest problem with this schedule is that one of the parents has the child every weekend. Many parents find this difficult because if there is a weekend event or activity, the child is always with the other parent. You can ask the other parent to spend part of their time with the child, but it is their decision.

Parents who have the child during the week have expressed that they often feel that they have all the work during the week and that the other parent has fun all weekend.

Another problem with this schedule is that it is not really flexible once established and can be difficult to follow in the long run.

Advantages of the schedule of each weekend

This program is easy and clear to follow. Every parent knows when they have their child. This schedule also works great for parents who are in school, have different work hours, or travel frequently.

Many people have found that this schedule works for their unique situation. Don’t be pressured by others who tell you it won’t work. If one of the schedules of each weekend suits your lives, go for it. It’s about making things work for you, the other parent, and your child.

Good luck!

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