Fat Burning Foods: Four Essential Choices

Fat Burning Foods: Four Essential Choices

Did you know that eating to burn fat is considered an extremely powerful rapid weight loss technique? The secret is choosing the right foods and avoiding overindulgence if you want to achieve your fast weight loss goals. The old saying “you can have too much of a good thing” is actually still very true. If you choose the right foods but still eat a lot of them, you’ll end up gaining weight instead of losing it.

The first fat-burning food you should consider is the controversial walnut. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, pecans, and peanuts have come under negative scrutiny from weight loss gurus who claim they are too high in fat. Although nuts have a high calorie count, they do contain healthy natural fats known as monounsaturated fats. These healthy fats are great for supporting active brain function, as well as providing fantastic energy without any negative side effects for your heart. However, just be mindful of your portion sizes. These handy little superfoods are extremely nutrient dense, so just a handful once a day is enough.

Another effective fat burning food that is considered one of the best is oatmeal. Plain oatmeal has a hard time on grocery store shelves competing with the hundreds of breakfast cereal options available today. However, most of these fancy, expensive cereals contain nothing but high-glycemic carbohydrates that only leave you hungry just an hour after eating them. Oatmeal, on the other hand, is a fantastic source of water-soluble fiber. Fiber is slowly digested by your body throughout the morning, keeping you fuller longer, as well as giving you a prolonged release of energy rather than a short spike. If oatmeal is too bland for your palate, try adding your favorite fresh fruit, honey, yogurt, or maybe a handful of nuts. These natural and healthy additions will add a burst of flavor along with additional nutritional value.

The third fat-burning food to add to your list is the humble apple. It’s ironic that so many of us diligently persuade our kids to eat an apple every day, but ignore our good advice. Apples, like oatmeal, also prolong the digestive process and keep you from experiencing hunger pangs for long periods of time. They are foods that kill cravings and are an excellent defense against overeating and weight gain. Plus, apples are a cheap, portable, healthy food that’s available year-round.

The last fat burning food you need to consider is actually a fat burning drink. If you have been looking for information on how to lose weight fast, you probably know about the benefits of green tea for weight loss. Green tea is packed with powerful antioxidants and is an effective metabolism booster. By increasing your metabolic rate, your body will start to burn faster and more effectively. Simply drink a cup of green tea every morning to boost your metabolism and help burn calories throughout the day, even when you’re resting.

By introducing these four fat-burning superfoods into your diet, you’ll accelerate your progress toward successfully achieving your weight loss goals.

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