How to know if a girl is trying to get rid of you: you must know this before it is too late for you

How to know if a girl is trying to get rid of you: you must know this before it is too late for you

Do you know that a lot of guys are clueless when it comes to reading women? They don’t even know that a girl might be trying to avoid them and they feel the opposite. She will see that it is extremely important to read her signs, otherwise it could lead to a lot of embarrassment on her part. Read on to find out how you can read these clues and save yourself from a potential tantrum….

Well, I need to go to the bathroom. If a girl says this to you in a bar or in a public place, then it is more than obvious that she will leave and never come back. This is a good way of telling you that she doesn’t like you and she wants to get rid of you as quickly as possible. Therefore, you should not stay and wait for him to look like a complete fool.

I have a boyfriend. Now this is another tactic many girls use to get rid of guys they just don’t seem to like. You see, if she says that she has a boyfriend when she’s alone in a bar, then it’s more than obvious that she’s trying to get rid of you and she probably doesn’t like you.

She is paying more attention to her friends than to you. This is another strong sign that she is trying to get rid of you and she is doing it by giving you strong body language signals that she doesn’t like you. You will see that more or less she could have her back to you and she will be chatting with her friends. Again, this is pretty much like telling you to go away and you’ll have to do it eventually if she avoids you completely and only talks to her friends.

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