How to Use Printed Promotional Tools – Information Cards

How to Use Printed Promotional Tools – Information Cards

Business cards, postcards, brochures, and flyers are great ways to introduce yourself and your art. Another way to spread your information is Publicity Cards.

You’ve probably seen them. They are usually on a wire or wooden shelf, hence the name. It’s those shiny cards in hotel lobbies, promoting local things to do while on vacation. (If you’re wondering what a vacation is, you probably need one.)

Why use advertising cards?

You can use cards to connect with people who are primarily looking for fun.

You can promote your art business in full color without the work of addressing them or the cost of shipping.

You have more room on an information card than on a postcard because you don’t need to stick to the post office boundaries or leave room for an address. Most report cards are double-sided, but you may be able to make a 2- or 3-panel version. (We’ll talk about this when we cover the booklets in this series.)

The best thing about them is that you can also use them to rack up connections without a physical rack. You can distribute them at events or include them in mailings.

When to use the information cards

They are an inexpensive way to get the word out at hotels, resorts, resorts, and entertainment venues. You can promote your art, gallery tours, portraiture, private classes and workshops.

Before Designing Information Cards

As you think about your design, as always, keep your audience in mind and be prepared to describe the benefits of what you offer.

Before you start designing, be sure to check with the location for guidelines for where you plan to place your information cards. You won’t waste time, money and effort producing cards that don’t fit the shelf or the rules of the place.

Design with Purpose and Think Real Estate Advertising Cards

Make your card visually appealing; that should be easy for you, since you are an artist. Most information cards measure 4″ by 9″. You can use both sides of the card to get your message across.

  • The front of the card is visible, especially the top 1″ to 1.5″. That makes for some prime real estate, so be sure to include the most important information here. This is your headline. It has to grab attention quickly, because people tend to browse the shelf.
  • When browsers see something that catches their eye, they pull it out and scan the front. To make the front of the card easy to scan, use bullet points to describe what you’re offering, why it’s more entertaining than anything else the viewer might choose. Put your identity and contact details on both sides.
  • The back of the card is a great place to add details. If you’ve got their attention, people will turn your rack card over and read the back. You can make the information on this side more dense. Include details about what you are offering, eg hours, locations, prices. Add a bio and photo of yourself so they can connect with you as a person. Add maps so they don’t have to work hard to find you. Who doesn’t love a bargain, especially on vacation? Add tear-off coupons with bonuses for individuals or discounts for groups.

Keep track of your results

A tear-off coupon is a good way to keep track of your results for the numbers that are redeemed. If you use more than one type of card or have them at more than one location, customize the coupon code or design so you can identify the source.

Deliver your business cards in person

Introduce yourself to the hotel concierge and front desk staff. Give them several information cards and tell them they can call you if they need more information.

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