Is potty training in a day just a myth, or can it really be done?

Is potty training in a day just a myth, or can it really be done?

The simple answer is “No, it’s not a myth” and “Yes, you can absolutely and positively potty train your child in 24 hours or less.” I should know… You see, I personally have done it many times. I started with my own three children and then moved on. (By the way, in case you were wondering, my children were as strong-willed as most two-year-olds and far more stubborn than most.

Having said that, I think it’s wise to set aside two full days for potty training (as long as you’re using an established 2 or 3 day potty training system) so you have time to reinforce the previous day’s lessons. . and give your child more time to take it all in. This is especially important because a child’s light bulb often doesn’t come on until the evening of the first day, so you’ll have a little wiggle room if you give it another day or two. Still, this is a much better solution, at least in my opinion, than dragging it out for months.

To be completely frank, I don’t understand why many parents choose to spend six to eight months potty training their children, when they could be diaper-free in 24-48 hours. In my opinion, too many parents place unnecessary obstacles in their paths and tacitly, or openly, use excuses like: “My son is too stubborn”, “I work and I don’t have time”, “I will potty train my children”. my daughter when she asks, “My son doesn’t speak well, so he can’t be potty trained,” and things like that.

But here’s the thing… potty training in one day can’t be achieved if you approach it in a “lazy” way. Rather, for this to happen, your child must be mature enough, physically and developmentally, to select a solid fast-forward system and follow instructions carefully and completely. If your child is ready and you are willing to prepare well, give the process your full attention and see it through to the end, you’ll be fine; if not, the odds are against you.

Let me explain…

First, make sure your child is ready for potty training. Although there is no one-size-fits-all formula, the American Academy of Pediatrics says that most young children are mature enough to be potty trained between 18 and 17 months, so you can use this as a guide. However, experts agree that developmental milestones are much better indicators of potty-training readiness than chronological age.

Next, You will need to choose a safe and reliable accelerated potty training method. Keep in mind that the Internet is full of “potty train your child in one, two or three days” systems. I have read them all. Very few are truly excellent. Some are fine. But unfortunately, many are just plain awful, so select carefully.

Furthermore, and this is a very important point, strong fast-forward systems not only work, but are supported both theoretically and practically by paediatricians, child therapists, and other experts.

Regardless of which method you ultimately choose, though, you’ll get better potty training results in a day (or two) if you choose one that has the following elements.

Your accelerated potty training system should…

1. Combine parenting behavior modification techniques with positive support in an emotionally happy and relaxed environment.
2. Offer guidelines for assessing your child’s readiness for potty training.
3. Require a teacher (usually a parent) to commit their full attention to the process for 24-48 hours
4. Provide specific step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow and actionable, as well as a detailed list of supplies.
5. NO encourage him to buy fancy potty training chairs, wetting dolls, and other expensive equipment or supplies.
6. NO advise using pull-ups, which will slow down your progress. Promise.
7. NO recommend that you push your child too hard or get angry or punish him for accidents.

Remember, your son or daughter really wants to grow and learn new skills and their goal is to please, no matter how stubborn and resistant they may seem. (How do you think I know this?)

So, I invite you to take advantage of this golden opportunity and learn more about reliable systems to quickly potty train your child, so you avoid the pitfalls that can plague your efforts. By arming yourself with vital ideas and a plan to achieve your goal, you’ll turn your uncertainty into confidence and get the results you deserve! Promise.

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