Product Creation: Step-by-Step Guide to Sales Funnel Conversion Rates

As a business owner selling products and services online, you can create all the products as quickly as possible to sell, but you still need to know what your conversion rates are in your sales funnel. Knowing how many people are on your list so that the free tier can be directly correlated to how many people will purchase a $97 training program.

So, after developing information products to sell online, what’s the next step?

Know all your conversion rates

The next thing that is important is that you have to know your numbers.

For example, I know that for every 100 people who sign up, 10 of them will buy one or more of my $10 staples.

Out of 100 people who buy my basic $10 product, 20 of them will buy my $47 product and 9 of them will sign up for my $97 training program.

Using that information right there, I can predict how many new subscribers I need to reach a specific level of revenue. I can also give you the average value of each subscriber. Then I can determine how much I’m willing to spend to recruit each new subscriber.

You have to be able to do the same. You have to know how many visitors it takes to get 1 subscriber. You have to know how many subscribers it takes to get a $10 sale. You have to know how many subscribers it takes to reach a sale of $47, and so on.

You have to know those numbers.

Once you know those numbers, you’re no longer throwing eggs at the wall, hoping some will stick. When I started, I threw a lot of eggs at the wall. Only one stuck. But then I knew which part of the wall to throw the rest of my eggs at. And I kept throwing eggs at the wall, each egg a little more accurate than the last.

And of course, the longer I’m in business, the more data I have to work with and the more closely I can focus on everything I do.

And you have to do the same. You have to know your numbers, and you have to have multiple products. If you already have multiple products, but have no idea who is buying what and why, educate yourself. If you don’t have multiple products, you have to make them. Trust me; it will be worth it for you.

If you want to attract potential customers and build your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn all you can about internet marketing.

Want to learn more internet marketing techniques on how to build successful businesses online?

If so, please read and download my new free eBook 27 Habits of internet marketing Super stars.

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