psalms for prosperity

psalms for prosperity

The psalms of the Bible are a literary treasure chest of prayers for prosperity. Below is a list of psalms that should be recited for common financial requests. In some Catholic and Santeria traditions, you say the prayer or write the prayer after lighting a candle. You can also recite the prayer as many times as you want to transform it into a kind of mantra.

Psalm 1: To disarm office gossips, discourage those who would damage your reputation

Psalm 3: To overcome the fear of poverty

Psalm 5: To ask for a special financial favor

Psalm 6: To ask creditors for mercy

Psalm 7: To ask that obstacles to progress be removed

Psalm 8: To improve trust, to bring customers to a business

Psalm 10: For encouragement, self-confidence and vigor

Psalm 11: For mercy, tenderness and compassion, to triumph over enemies when they are backed into a difficult corner

Psalm 12: To overcome gossip, bad rumors or attacks on reputation, to overcome anxiety

Psalm 13: To overcome anxiety, when cornered

Psalm 14: To renew faith that the universe is unfolding as it should

Psalm 18: For home protection, deliverance from enemies

Psalm 19: To receive daily blessings, increase faith in the idea that the universe has a supply for every demand

Psalm 20: For a favorable verdict in court

Psalm 21: To raise one’s spiritual vibration to invite prosperity into life.

Psalm 22: For deliverance from difficult financial situations, when you feel hopeless or cornered

Psalm 23: For serenity, peace of mind and stillness of spirit, to help access the higher self

Psalm 24: To calm disturbed thoughts, anxiety and quiet the subconscious and the spirit, alleviate fears of the future

Psalm 25: For inspiration, to access the higher self

Psalm 26: For success in finances, to gain confidence

Psalm 28: To disarm adversaries, make peace with the enemy, invoke tenderness, mercy, and kindness

Psalm 29: To raise your vibration, to purify the home

Psalm 30: For patience and acceptance of the divine will, to understand that time brings what we need when it corresponds, as thanks for many blessings

Psalm 33: Feeling afraid

Psalm 35: For victory in a short case

Psalm 36: For when you feel cursed and for protection against the evil eye, to receive divine blessings

Psalm 37: To overcome jealousy, envy, resentment and disappointment, to become serene and still

Psalm 38: For protection in court

Psalm 39: For the courage to face any problem, to overcome fear

Psalm 40: For the reinforcement of faith in God, to quiet the mind when you feel frustrated

Psalm 41: When you feel down or betrayed

Psalm 42: To strengthen the connection between your personality and the higher self; to open channels of opportunity

Psalm 43: For mercy when you find yourself in an unfair situation

Psalm 44: For mercy when you find yourself in an intolerable or unjust situation; to strengthen faith in God

Psalm 45: To increase faith in the power of the subconscious to follow your declared words

Psalm 46: To Raise Enthusiasm for Spiritual Matter, Increase Faith in the Guidance of the Higher Self

Psalm 47: To reinforce the four pillars of prosperity: health, freedom, happiness and love.

Psalm 48: To become a “smile millionaire”, strengthen happiness and faith

Psalm 49: To overcome the envy of the prosperity of others

Psalm 50: To reinforce the idea that the universe is benevolent and that everything is developing as it should

Psalm 51: To quell feelings of guilt or self-criticism

Psalm 52: To correct an unjust situation

Psalm 53: To Conquer Skepticism and Restore Faith in the Higher Self and in God

Psalm 54: To master doubts and negative thoughts

Psalm 55: To conquer anxiety and fear

Psalm 57: Because when justice, compassion, kindness, tenderness or mercy are needed

Psalm 60: To leave the past behind, to make a clean slate in the subconscious

Psalm 61: To help find a new home, when in trouble with creditors

Psalm 62: To strengthen faith in the higher self and strengthen spiritual values

Psalm 63: For anxiety, fear and discouragement

Psalm 64: To increase confidence, decrease fears of hidden enemies, ask to be in the right place at the right time

Psalm 65: Give thanks for the blessings received

Psalm 66: Give thanks for an answered prayer and show an attitude of gratitude

Psalm 67: Give thanks for what you have, to eliminate discontent

Psalm 69: For Deliverance in Times of Suffering

Psalm 70: To repel the negative thoughts and attitudes of others

Psalm 71: For liberation from limiting thoughts or situations that seem like a trap, for confidence and persistence.

Psalm 72: To improve financial conditions in general

Psalm 73: To eliminate those feelings and emotions such as anger, jealousy and resentment that deprive us of opportunities for our own enrichment and good

Psalm 74: To attract good fortune and repel enemies

Psalm 75: To encourage a job promotion or hiring

Psalm 76: Traditionally, for luck in the lottery or luck in games of chance

Psalm 77: To restore lost faith in yourself and in God

Psalm 78: To tune in to the higher self and the resources of the Divine Imagination’

Psalm 81: To increase faith in the goodness of God, faith in the higher self and that we live in a universe filled with infinite supply

Psalm 82: To remove the fear of poverty and injustice; to help organize and make a “to do” list

Psalm 84: To develop a more optimistic view of the future and attract prosperity

Psalm 85: To find inner stillness, serenity and peace with God

Psalm 86: Feeling hopeless or discouraged

Psalm 87: To promote opportunities for success in the arts; to be read aloud before an audition, interview, showcase, or pitch session

Psalm 89: To alleviate all pain and suffering, including that of a financial nature

Psalm 90: To express thanks for the blessings received each day, for justice

Psalm 95: To remove the blocks to prosperity, to inspire you to follow the path that is for your highest good

Psalm 96: To strengthen wavering faith in the face of opposition to your plans

Psalm 97: To solve problems with creditors

Psalm 98: To maintain a cheerful heart and an attitude of gratitude for what you have

Psalm 99: For mercy in court proceedings

Psalm 100: To repel negative energy and harmful influences

Psalm 101: To get off a treadmill or break bad habits like overspending

Psalm 102: To receive an answer to a specific problem

Psalm 103: Committing the will to change for the better, for stillness, serenity and grace.

Psalm 105: For forgetting and forgiving past mistakes, for cleaning the subconscious to make a clean slate

Psalm 106: For confidence in the higher self and renewed optimism for the future

Psalm 107: As thanks for receiving deliverance from a desperate situation, to break bad personal habits that affect prosperity (laziness, drunkenness, waste)

Psalm 108: For success in business.

Psalm 111: To find the right job or career

Psalm 112: To broaden one’s perspective, see the big picture, and allow one to grasp the meaning of all their choices

Psalm 113: To receive honors, applause, awards, prizes or praise

Psalm 115: To resist naysayers and uncooperative people, to be successful in business

Psalm 116: Maintain a Daily Attitude of Gratitude

Psalm 117: To conquer self-pity

Psalm 118: When problems are overwhelming, as a prayer of thanksgiving for blessings received

Psalm 119: (Gambol: Verses 17 to 24) To attract money

Psalm 122: To prosper in business

Psalm 123: To ensure the free flow of goodness as energy in your life

Psalm 126: To understand that problems are temporary and that this too shall pass

Psalm 128: Have a happy and peaceful home

Psalm 129: For Deliverance Against Financial Oppression

Psalm 131: To cast off pride, which is thought to attract the evil eye, jealousy, and misfortune

Psalm 132: To acquire material goods and properties

Psalm 135: Strengthen the heart and the will so that one is led to their highest aspirations in life

Psalm 138: To have confidence in the moments when you feel overwhelmed, to lose fear and anxiety about the future

Psalm 139: To instill confidence in God and in the Divine Plan that is reserved for you, when you feel lost, confused or sad.

Psalm 141: To receive answers to specific financial requests, for confidence and peace of mind.

Psalm 143: To restore faith in your path and renew confidence that there will be a joyful and hopeful tomorrow

Psalm 144: To express gratitude and thanks for blessings

Psalm 145: For when you feel overwhelmed by financial problems and need answers

Psalm 147: For a peaceful heart and serenity in times of conflict and confusion

Psalm 149: To help understand the timing of divine providence and understand that there is a supply for every demand

Psalm 150: To Obtain Blessings and Express Gratitude for Blessings

A simple sentence:

“Dear Lord, guide me to honor you with my talents and treasures. Amen.”

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