Rowing Machine Benefits: A Great Unknown Workout

Rowing Machine Benefits: A Great Unknown Workout

There are more benefits of the rowing machine than many people are aware of. In fact, if the scope of training and the benefits that can be derived from it were common knowledge, everyone would be jumping on it every time they walk into a gym.

To put this in perspective, think of an exercise that works all major muscle groups, is low-impact with no jerky movements, gets your heart rate up, and burns fat at an amazing rate and you’d really have to think about it for a while. Most exercises fit some of those criteria, but very few incorporate all of those areas at the same time.

That is the reason why this device is overlooked. Many think that he can’t possibly do anything of substance since all he’s doing is going back and forth over and over again. But what most people don’t understand is that it’s not the movement, it’s what you have to do to achieve the movement.

When you start this exercise, you are literally working every major muscle in your entire body. How is that possible? When you bend down to grab handles or fancy oars, you are using your legs and pelvic area. Pulling back incorporates the back, the shoulders, all areas of the arms, and the stomach. Sliding back engages your entire midsection, while using your legs at the same time. In fact, in no time at all, you’ll notice areas of developing muscle that you usually missed.

Want another beneficial side effect? How about weight loss. That’s right: when you work all of the above areas at the same time, you instinctively burn more calories than you thought possible. Add to that the elevated heart rate and you’ll experience a high impact cardio workout without the high impact. And the added bonus is building muscle. All this together means a great workout at an incredible low-impact pace. That is why many do not know all the benefits of the rowing machine that exist. Because it almost sounds too good to be true.

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