Speaking metaphysically. Reflecting. My stones are my sanity!

My stones are my sanity. They allow me a feeling of peace and tranquility. They lend a form of relaxation like mental yoga. The isolation that is my current reality coupled with social distancing finds me in a state of exasperation … and I feel so alone.

Those I thought cared about me are missing from my life. I am here in the world just as my dear friend who has just passed away was. His name is David Tucker. Rest in heaven, my road dog! LOL. He always loved making others laugh and was a self proclaimed comedian! However, I can’t help but think that you come into the world alone and come out the same way!

If he were alive, I would call him right now. Interestingly, we never came to an agreement of our minds. Rather, we share a soul agreement. We had a lasting soul agreement for over 20 years. Then life goes on and you can stay in a happy place or go to another.

Realizing that we are human beings first, let us move forward with compassion and understanding for those who can be ruthless and just want to win their selfish prize. And let’s understand that these people often exist without a real concept of humanity, love, or a spirit of cooperation or participation.

Many live enclosed with remnants of smoke screens that block clear vision; and reliving their lives through ghettos of haunting memories where hereditary psychological trauma wreaks havoc on minds due to harsh social injustices and imbalances, and the simple act of living.

Such is the world as if it had been tilted on its axis … or as if it had completed a pole shift as the Mayan Aztec Calendar predicted for the 21st century. Because the world has been dramatically changed and altered, both alchemically and tumultuously.

Let’s not forget or ignore the Universe … the cosmos that dynamically plays an important role in the energy of the planets … and of the Earth. As we know our mighty Sun, Ra is the giver and sustainer and life force of the earth. Will we feast on it every day to heal?

I recently read that we are at the forefront of thinking. What does that mean for you? Could it possibly mean that we are trendsetters that we are creating the times for future generations and creating future worlds? And so it is. It is in concert that we must unite as everyone agrees to move forward with a determined impulse, while supporting and edifying everyone in a sustained way with love and light.

My stones are my sanity during these horrendous times. They vibrate and calm my soul. They relax my inner being. They propel me forward as I traverse the realms of space and time. It is then that I am connected to all the compounds and elements of the Universe. Atoms, molecules, protons, neutrons, collapses (dying stars) and black holes … everything … the universe … the cosmos.

Interestingly, and especially if you are aware of the Sumerian Texts and the history of Annunaki … Collapses can forge much of the gold in the universe. That is according to Scientific News from Google. For more information on the history of Annunaki, see: Annunaki 101: The Ancient Gods of Sumer.

These are the places my mind often dwells as I live a simultaneous multidimensional existence. So calming. So relentless. However, my stones are my center and my sanity! If you feel like you are also living on a multi-dimensional plane, I’d love to hear your feedback.

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