The Amish people and tradition

The Amish people and tradition

The Amish are a throwback to the “old days.” They live simply and without most of the technology in the midst of the technology laden world of the 21st century. They came to the US nearly 300 years ago, intending to start a new life free from religious persecution. Mainly, they settled in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Today, there are nearly 200,000 members of the so-called “Old Order” Amish communities. These communities are concentrated in Lagrange, Indiana, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and Holmes County, Ohio. Amish culture remains iconic in America, with its simple clothing and horse-drawn carriages; It is also known for its exquisitely handcrafted furniture and quilts.

The Amish are known for their simple dress. The men wear black pants and jackets, while the women wear long, dark, long-sleeved dresses with white aprons and capes. Their customs set them apart from most American citizens in many ways. For one thing, they have taken the Bible literally, meaning they embrace specific dress codes and standards of behavior, even as they reject the most modern technology. Photographs are also not allowed because they are considered “engraved images” as explained in the 10 Commandments. They believe that their faith in God is best represented by words and actions, so they strive to follow the examples the Bible gives and accept God’s will in everything. This is why they are conscientious objectors when it comes to military service and turn the other cheek when personally attacked.

Community strength and family are key in the Amish community. Humility and submission are highly valued, as established by the example of Christ in the Bible. Similarly, ambition and pride are rejected. Therefore, there is no competitiveness, materialism or individualism. For example, in the Amish community, one is not allowed to own a car because the Amish believe that this would cause division in the committee, separating the “haves” from the “have-nots” and causing boastful pride.

However, the Amish accept automobile travel if business or emergencies require one to travel a great distance or need extreme speed. By the same principle, homes do not have telephones or electricity. However, dairy farms are powered by alternative energy sources. It is also frequent that there are small buildings that have community telephones to make outgoing calls. Self-sufficiency and individualism are not accepted, but the community itself is independent of external electricity sources.

Amish values ​​continue to set them apart from mainstream American culture. Community members are expected to marry and have families. Their courtship tradition is unique in that they can only marry other Amish, although those they marry may come from different Amish settlements than their own. Men and women follow traditional gender roles and often have large families. Divorce is prohibited. They also share a common language. English is taught in schools, but Pennsylvania Dutch, an obscure dialect of German, is spoken at home.

In addition to clothing, Amish men have a unique style of facial hair. Once a man is married, he is expected to grow a beard. However, there is no mustache along with the beard. This is because they reject anything vain or military. In their home countries, the military leaders responsible for the persecution of the Amish had very elegant mustaches.

They do not have a system of government that is formal or organized, but are led by preachers, bishops, and deacons. Shunning, which has been a hotly debated practice, is a disciplinary measure based on Biblical passages from the New Testament. It is used when a baptized member of the community “offends” the community. What this means is that no other members of the community, not even spouses, can have contact with the offender while he or she is being turned away. However, once the person who committed the offense asks for forgiveness, forgiveness is freely offered and the rejected are welcomed back into the community.

In 1972, a landmark legal decision decreed that the Amish have the right to continue their lifestyle without government interference in terms of taxes and Social Security benefits, child labor laws, and compulsory schooling. In the Amish community, children attend school through eighth grade in one-room schools. They are taught by single young women in small classes of various grades. Amish children have consistently performed better than their rural, non-Amish peers on standardized tests. In the Amish community, the belief is that after the last part of formal education, the next stage of maturation is best done within families, learning stronger religious faith and practical skills.

Once the youngsters complete their education, girls learn domestic and parenting skills alongside their mothers and other women, while boys learn farming and carpentry skills alongside their fathers and other men. At age 16, young people are allowed to experience freedom and are even encouraged to live among the “English” or non-Amish population, to see whether or not they wish to remain in the Amish community. A small number of young people choose to continue living with the “English,” but most choose to return to Amish life, be baptized, and commit their lives to community and brotherhood.

The Amish are exempt from Social Security taxes, but must still pay other types of taxes, including property and sales taxes. They don’t have insurance, but they support each other as a community during emergencies. They do not sign up for government aged care, but care for their elderly at home.

Each Amish settlement lives independently of the other settlements. They share the same central doctrine but differ in matters of degree. Some differences may include how simple the clothing is, or whether or not compromising the use of modern technology is allowed, and to what extent. When disagreements occur, members can sometimes go to another community that better matches their own view of the faith.

Originally farmers when they immigrated from Switzerland and Germany, today the Amish still use agriculture as their main source of income. They live cut off from the world around them, but have astute business skills and have cultivated friendships and business relationships with the “English” in the surrounding communities. Many “Englishmen” help the Amish for free, so that the Amish can preserve their way of life. The Amish grow crops such as barley, soybeans, tobacco, wheat, and corn, as well as other vegetables. They grow these crops both for personal use and for the market. In addition, they are excellent carpenters and dairy farmers. They have also recently begun to develop cottage industries including the sale of jellies, furniture, quilts, and other handmade products. “English” consumers have highly praised these products for their high quality. The Amish first and foremost strive to bring glory to God and because of this the workmanship is well above average and an unspoken and enduring testament to faith.

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