“Thus saith the Lord” is God still blessing America

“Thus says the Lord” is another way of saying “This is what the Lord says.” Now, I don’t think there are prophets today like there were prophets during biblical days. However, if there were prophets today as there were during biblical days, I believe the Lord would have much to say to America.

Now I will try to give you an idea of ​​what I think God wants his prophets to say to the United States.

Thus says the Lord: “Because America has committed seven crimes and more, I will take my blessings from it. To your churches that are using my name and exploiting unsuspecting members for profit, they are not my people, they are my enemies. day. You go beyond what is written, teaching as doctrines the commandment of men, which is vain religion, judgment is coming. “

Thus says the Lord: “Because the United States has committed seven crimes and more, I will take away my blessings. Because you call the shedding of innocent blood; of which I hate, abortion as if it were a mission of some kind rather than an innocent life, unborn babies. ” You call murder, “the expulsion of a fetus from the womb by natural causes before it can survive independently.” “Let everyone know because I am God and nothing that lives can survive independently without me. Therefore, I will abort you in my presence.”

Thus says the Lord: “Because the United States has committed seven crimes and more, I will take away my blessings. Because you call two of the same sex, a marriage of which only I, the Lord, am the institute of, and only I “. I am the regulator of. For I have commanded from the beginning with your father Adam, that a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. How dare you America to trample under your feet what I you who set yourself up as judges, and give divorce decrees to those who have no right to divorce or remarry. I, the Lord, have commanded that marriage be between a man and a woman, and that everything that has been united together, no one separates them. So that’s the rule and there’s only one exception to that rule, and that is, if it’s just fornication. Furthermore, a divorce without that one exception to the rule causes one to remarry to live in adultery. “

Thus says the Lord: “Because America has committed seven crimes and more, I will take away my blessings. Because you call lesbian and gay people an alternative lifestyle that I long ago destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, because of your actions. homosexuals. It teaches that one is born gay. It teaches lies about me, everything I have created was free from sin, because sin is the transgression of my law, of which homosexual acts are one of many. Also, homosexuality is a behavior learned, like sucking oneself. The thumb is a learned behavior, but you do not encourage your young to continue thumb-sucking, nose picking, or biting. Therefore, by your transgressions you will know my anger. “

Thus says the Lord: “Because the United States has committed seven crimes and more, I will take my blessings from it. Because you sing God bless America and then pass laws to prevent my people from praying to me in certain places, you believe that my name should not”. be mentioned. You saying, “Prayer in school violates the separation of church and state.” Yet who will you call when I take away my protection, America? “

Thus says the Lord, “Because America has committed seven crimes and more, I will take away my blessings. Because you exploit your children. You take children and turn them into prostitutes. You make child pornography and child prostitution attractive to children. wrongdoers because you choose judges who do not seriously prosecute wrongdoers. Instead, your focus is on the rehabilitation of the wrongdoer rather than punishment. I, the Lord, have ordered the government to execute judgment against wrongdoers and not have mercy on them.

Therefore, I will take my blessing from you. I no longer need you to sing or pray “God bless America” ​​because I won’t. Because you will reap what you have sown. You will pick up the winds of change. Because they don’t want the God of heaven in their schools, in their homes, and in their churches. Your bragging rights are over.
How big are you now America? You no longer need to tell the world how big you are.
Therefore, you will reap the winds of change. I, the Lord, have said it.

Friends, I am not a prophet and this is not what God has told America. However, this is what I think God would say if He had prophets today.
What you say?

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