What is the best way to potty train a child?

What is the best way to potty train a child?

Having children is a wonderful experience for parents all over the world, which can leave some pleasant memories, but perhaps one of the most unpleasant is changing dirty diapers. This is surely an activity that no parent enjoys, and figuring out how to potty train your child can be quite difficult, especially if you don’t have a strategy in mind.

Today, we’re going to look at a couple of ways to potty train a child to make sure they get everything right and are willing to use the potty. As I have been in the child care industry for years, potty training my son and knowing when to start potty training was not a problem for me. There are many potty training methods, but choosing the right one depends on your child and whether he is willing to learn, motivated by the idea, and willing to cooperate.

My son was not like that. Not at all actually. Instead, he preferred his diapers more than anything in the world thanks to the fact that he could watch TV and do his business at the same time. Of course, as a father, he did not agree with this, therefore, I thought that it was better to start the training sooner than later, since he was already more than 20 months old. Tip: Children can be potty trained as early as 18 months, and boys tend to stay in diapers a little longer than girls.

Perhaps one of the biggest potty tips for kids I can give you is to buy the right equipment. When your child is still young, you may be advised to purchase a child-sized potty seat, rather than a toilet adapter that may seem scary to some. This is because most children are afraid of falling in the toilet, and a colored adapter on top won’t help much at first. Instead, buying a small potty just for your child will make going to the bathroom seem safer. However, make sure that the product is comfortable and that your child likes everything. You could even let him choose it. The idea behind children’s potties is that children should be able to push during bowl movements, and in order to do so, they need stability. It’s best to start with a child-sized potty and then move on to full-on toilet adapters, which your child is sure to have no fear of when the time comes.

Another important potty training method that I can give you is to always make sure you communicate with your child. As simple a topic as it may seem to you, potty training is quite complex for young children, so you can start by letting him know he’s his own potty, even let him personalize it and answer any questions he may have. have. This will increase the bond between the two of you, while also showing your child that potty training isn’t so scary after all.

Based on everything that has been described so far, these are just a few of the many potty training tips for kids that parents can use to potty train them. It’s important to find something that works well for your child, as everyone is different.

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