Essay on the day of happiness: Arnold Mettnitzer: About happiness to be a good person

Essay on the day of happiness: Arnold Mettnitzer: About happiness to be a good person

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Those who only take care of themselves get angry. What holds our world together at the core.

From Arnold Mettnitzer | 6:50 a.m., March 20, 2021

© Margit Krammer / Bildrecht Vienna

Fyodor Dostoevsky tells in his novel “The Karamazov Brothers” about a woman who dies without having done a single good deed in her life. As a punishment, she ends up in a lake of fire. But your guardian angel thinks: “Maybe I still remember a good deed that I could tell you about?” And then he remembered: “She pulled out an onion in her garden and gave it to a beggar.” He listens to that a voice that says to him: “Take this onion, the whole plant, stretch it out to her, into the lake, so that she can grab it and hold on to it, and when you can pull it out of the lake by the onion, so shall she be saved; but if the plant breaks, the woman has to stay where she is. ”Then the angel hurries to her, holds out the onion and says:“ Hold on, that I will pull you out. ”And gently he pulls, and pulls and he has almost pulled it out; But when the others in the lake see that the woman is being pulled out, they all cling to her in the hope of getting out of the lake of fire. But the woman pushes one another with her feet and screams: “I, I’m being pulled out, not you, it’s my onion, not yours.” As soon as she has said that, tears the plant in two. And the woman falls back into the lake of fire. But her angel stands there weeping and doesn’t know how he could still help her.

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