Take a look at these unstoppable SEO trends that will rule in 2017

Take a look at these unstoppable SEO trends that will rule in 2017

SEO is the lifeblood of every business, and specialists should focus on the advancements and latest trends in SEO in the year 2017. Business organizations can rule Google rankings with this vital tool. One must modify their campaigns and trends in search engine optimization to match the latest realities in the world of online marketing. With cutting-edge competition in the digital world, it is imperative to stay on top of changes in SEO.

Nowadays, SEO experts modify their strategies according to updated trends before competitors catch up with the latest market buzz. Changes and updates in Google algorithms will keep business owners on their toes as 2017 will witness a lot of changes. Here are some of the evolutions in the field of SEO with these interesting and dominating trends.

1. Google’s AMP boom accelerates the future of mobile devices

Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is the future of mobile as Google has taken a new initiative to develop mobile friendly web pages. This open source protocol helps the webmaster to load the pages instantly on the mobile devices. The ideology behind the concept is to load pages four times faster, that is, between 15% and 85%, and use the date eight times less. Sites that have started using AMP have been provided with a small lightning bolt icon and visibility in the carousel. In my opinion, big brands will switch to AMP to stay ahead of their business in Google search and SEO 2017 will be just as exciting as the past.

2. The quality of the content will matter, not the quantity

Content is the backbone of electronic marketing, since the user wants to read unique content; they get bored of reading the same old content. The same content is being produced with different words that lack the user’s interest in the website. For the most part, the long content has made its mark on the sites as they present the topic comprehensively. The year 2017 will not be an era of epic content, but people would like to stick with dense content. Google will notice a visual trend next year and companies will focus on providing the information in the smallest possible way. In my opinion, quality will matter in 2017 more than quantity of content.

3. The Personal Brand will make its way

Personal Branding has become an online marketing secret weapon as most of the big names have earned a lot with its help. However, it is not just limited to YouTubers, but SEO campaigns can also succeed through this. It can be seen that-

  • It has become a source for securing guest posts.
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Increase user engagement and trust in your site.
  • Social media platforms like Facebook also prefer individual posts over branded posts according to their refined algorithms.

We may also see more personal brands from big companies getting a better platform in 2017 with SEO services.

4. Integration of Machine Learning with SEO Trends

Algorithmic machine learning was made possible by the introduction of Google’s RankBrain, which is an extension of Google Hummingbird’s functionalities. By virtue of this, the use of conversational queries made by users is observed. With this, machine learning is combined with the indexing of web pages. Machine learning updates will help change the SEO landscape, and the following year will see it in other areas such as marketing automation and data interpretation. These changes will definitely come out of the frying pan, and with a drastic change in technology and search patterns, it will pave the way for businesses.

5. Intent optimization for user experience

With the start of the New Year, Google will focus more on the user experience, since they are the key factors around which all online marketing strategies revolve. Google favors websites that load fast on mobile devices and provide a great user experience for people. SEO professionals are experts with AMP as mentioned above, which is an added bonus. SEO companies will need to focus on user intent rather than keywords, and experts need to anticipate things.

  • Investigation – The SEO specialist must have a clear perspective of the user about what he wants from the content of his website.
  • improvement – After this, the experts need to optimize the required areas and the content will definitely reflect a good user experience.
  • Settings – It is the responsibility of SEO experts to keep up to date with the analytics in Google to see what area works and what doesn’t to update.

6. Huge growth in personal digital assistants

Personal digital assistants or voice search have gained a foothold in recent years and will become a common trend in the year 2017. Tools like Cortana and Siri have helped users with voice-related searches, as that written searches are more frantic. . This type of search is becoming a key to success because people tend to use the tools that are on their Smartphone or Tablet. The day is not far off when industries will invest more in voice search optimization as the focus is on intent-based matching and semantic searches. This will also lead businesses to new advanced search and ranking opportunities in conversational queries.

7. Replacing websites with apps

There is a huge increase in SEO options provided by experts for mobile users. The streaming app allows you to optimize the apps with Google without even downloading them on the mobile devices. As app indexing and deep linking are done within apps in recent years. Google has catered to the needs of the app users during their semantic search, but in the year 2017, the favoritism of the app will definitely be noticed. The time will soon come when apps will replace traditional company websites as streaming apps have carved a niche for themselves on this very path.


Google and other search engines may have a lot in store for the next year when it comes to SEO. However, business specialists need to be aware of the recent trends in the year 2017 to go well with their campaigns in the future. These trends are sure to influence the field of SEO and the need for companies to prepare well in advance to stay ahead of the competition. SEO experts will help get your projects off the ground and stay ahead of the SEO game in 2017.

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