"Vous êtes votre partenaire le plus sûr" : les bonnes pratiques sexuelles au temps du coronavirus

“You are your safest partner”: good sexual practices in the time of the coronavirus

As nearly a billion people are confined around the world and social distancing measures are constantly reminded by the media, the New York City Department of Health has posted a guide to sex in the days of the World on its site. coronavirus. A little reminder that also applies to Belgians.

Several points are discussed, such as the different ways in which the coronavirus can be transmitted during sex or even practices considered to be riskier. As we know today, the coronavirus can be transmitted when we come into direct contact with saliva or mucus. But we still have a lot to learn about the virus and about sex. Currently, no trace of the virus has been found in semen or vaginal fluids. On the other hand, Covid-19 has been found in the stools of people infected with the virus.

You are your most secure partner“, also recalls the health department, before stressing that it is essential to avoid contact, including sexual intercourse, with people living outside your own home.”Take a break from in-person dates“, advises the guide.

Take precautions

Even if you are confined with your partner and you have the opportunity to have sex, you must take precautions: wash before and after sex, avoid kissing so as not to risk transmission of the virus, use a condom to prevent STIs and STDs or to clean his sex toys with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds before and after sex.

Finally, the guide insists on the fact that if one of the partners presents one or the other symptom, it is necessary to avoid any report and to stay at home!

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